Range Analyser


Hole Cards

- against Pre-flop combos

- against Flop combos

- against Turn combos

- against River combos


0 combos kept to Turn

0.0% of Flop combos


0 combos kept to River

0.0% of Turn combos


0 combos kept to Showdown

0.0% of River combos


Combos kept to turn
Combos kept to river
Combos kept to showdown

Range Analysis Tool

This tool allows the user to explore the dynamics of different ranges and board textures. Users can create custom ranges and explore the viability and exploitability of these ranges based on various strategies. Filter your opponent's combos through the flop, turn, and river, and figure out the most vulnerable spot to strike.

The following sections describe the various features of the tools and how to use them.


The range panel allows the creation of an opening range. The range can then be examined using the tools on this page. The range can be created in three ways.

Text input

The text input uses shorthand text descriptors to define the range. Hands can be entered individually in a comma separated list (e.g. AA, AJo, 32s). Or as a sequence of hands using the + and - symbols. For example, "T5o+" will add the hands T9o, T8o, T7o, T6o, T5o to the range. "96s-" will add the hands 96s, 95s, 94s, 93s, 92s to the range. And "66-99" will add the hands "66", "77", "88", "99". Note that hands should be defined with the highest rank first, and unpaired hands should be specified as suited (s) or offsuit (o).


The slider defines a range based on a specific proportion of all possible hands. The hands are added in an order which favors hands with good preflop equity, however this does not necessarily correspond the hands which you or your opponents are opening, and it is recommend you make adjustments based on your experience.


The grid allows the addition and removal of individual hands from the defined range. Add and remove hands by clicking on them.


The board allows you to define a specific runout to examine. Click on the cards and select the cards you want from the popup. Alternatively, use the random board button to generate and random runout.


The statistics panel reports how different combos in the defined range will interact with the board.


The pre-flop tab displays how often the defined range is expected to hit the flop in different ways (e.g. hitting a pair, or a flush draw).

Flop, Turn, River

The flop, turn, and river tabs display how the preflop range interacts with the defined board. Additionally, each descriptor has a checkbox which can be used to indicate whether the combos described should be kept to the next phase of play. For example, if you have reason to believe that someone would never keep weak pairs to a flop bet, you should uncheck the corresponding box, and the analysis will proceed with all weak pairs being dropped on the flop. The turn analysis will then only include combos which were not dropped on the flop.

The number of combos kept at each phase of play is also displayed. And the exact list of combos can be displayed by clicking the show button at the bottom of the panel.


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